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Since the manufacturing of the first printed circuit board, many developments and advancements have taken place. Some of the most significant developments in the manufacture and design of PCBs have made it possible to utilize modern technology today.

PCBs are essential since they are the main component of electrical equipment. They provide a physical base through which the connections between electronic components establish. All electronic devices around us have PCBs, including TVs, computers, radios, mobile phones, etc. But do you know what led to the success of modern technology? Looking at the evolution of important PCBs will help you get the idea.

Beginning of Printed Circuit Boards

The first iterations of the printed circuit boards took place around the 1920s. At this time, the PCBs could use anything as their base material. If that’s not surprising at all, some people tried to use wood as well. Experts drilled the material to create holes which they later used to place bulky wires on the board. During the initial production, the use of bolts and buts replicated the use of rivets. Contrary to popular belief, the initial circuit boards were nothing similar to what we see and use today. While PCBs weren’t as successful then, they were useful for their functions in radios and gramophones.

PCBs’ Initial Development

It wasn’t until the 1960s that the use of material for producing the physical base of the circuit shifted from wood to other types of material, including the resin. Moreover, the circuits before comprised a one-sided outlook; this entails that the board components were on one side while the entire circuitry remained on the other. Though, it was still a major improvement in contrast to the heavy wiring that took place before. Further down the road of development, the US introduced an assembling procedure for electrical circuits that turned out to be a great help in how experts were handling PCBs. The process had a few essential aspects. One of them was drawing a wiring pattern over a zinc plate to print the electrical circuit on it accurately.

Later in the years, the developments helped to make the PCBs corrosion-free. It was around this time that the production of multilayer PCBs took place. Following that, the PCBs went through miniaturization. This didn’t mean that there were compromises in the complexity or functional efficiency of the PCBs. In fact, they became more efficient and responsive to the changes.

Miniaturization with Complexity

PCB experts are always looking to increase the functional capacity and efficiency of the PCB while ensuring that they are much smaller in size. The use of different technologies is more common today. CAD became the go-to option for designing PCBs. With the use of CAD, experts designed circuit boards that were greater in functionality and efficiency. Furthermore, with the efficiency, the complexity of design and programming also increased. Meanwhile, the size of the PCBs remained small and compact. Apart from that, the circuit board industry continues to develop new models and technologies for use in various applications around us.


While you may not know everything regarding PCBs, you can surely understand their use and scope by looking at the technological advancements. PCBs are nearly a 100-year-old development that is still helping us build more efficient and effective technology. In short, without a PCB, you wouldn’t be reading this information on your digital device.

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