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Circuit boards, which also go by the names, printed circuit boards and PCBs, consist of various electrical components. Comprising insulated board materials along with dozens of electrical components, PCBs feature different technologies ranging from surface-mounted to interconnected systems. They’re made for specific electronic circuits and perform a specified or a set of different actions.

Since their early development during the 1900s, the laminate materials on PCBs have gone through various developments and technological advances. Charles Ducas was the first to submit a patent for his circuit. The idea was vividly defined as placing a pathway comprising electrical components directly over an insulated material board. But, the real development and use didn’t find ground until after World War II.

Typical Use and Purpose of Printed Circuit Boards

In today’s modern world, just about every device has a printed circuit board. Nearly all electronic devices around us have some type of PCB or a combination of them to function effectively. In simple words, PCB technology was a ground-breaking development that paved the way for massive technological advancements to take place on a global scale.

The PCB technology is powering a range of applications and equipment across multiple industries. It’s safe to say that without modern printed circuit board production, research, and development, it wouldn’t be possible for massive innovations to take place in our technological space. Here’re a few uses and PCB’s modes of deployment around us:


Aviation utilizes high-performance and lightweight PCBs to operate and design aircraft. Considering the size of the size of a typical PCB, that’s a humungous role that the technology is serving at the moment. From communication and drone construction to guidance systems, PCB technology offers lightweight and functional solutions.


The automobile industry uses PCBs in a rather spectacular manner. The use of PCB allows automobile brands and manufacturers to place safety sensors inside vehicles! From keyless entry to ignition systems, PCB enables a range of different features in different makes and models of vehicles around us. Besides, the latest computerization of vehicles has stirred up demand for more intelligent vehicles.

Home Automation

The home automation industry is also utilizing PCB technology to assist in different features and other technologies. If you live in a home with a surveillance system, smart thermostats, and smart appliances, just about all of these technologies will have PCBs.


The entertainment industry probably has one of the biggest innovations that mankind has ever seen, thanks to PCB technology. It’s the development of flat-screen televisions. Humankind would’ve been stuck on fat monitors and TVs if PCBs didn’t replace the tube technology and wiring that was used previously. Even the miniature MP3 pods you may have used comprised of tiny PCBs that enable music playback and audio recording with wide variations.

Lastly, we don’t need to tell you what smartphones are, what they’re for, and how they’ve made our lives easier. However, it’s best to share that they comprise industry-best PCB technology to enable different functions and features that most users require regularly.

Latest Advances in the Technology

Here’s a list of some of the major advances in PCB technology, including fabrication techniques:

  • LDI, which stands for Laser Direct Imaging, is among the most precise ways to create PCB materials’ design images. It replaces the photochemical process that was too troublesome and usually inaccurate.
  • Flex PCBs technology allows greater flexibility in the fabrication of printed circuit boards. Thus, it’s easier to handle application-specific requirements when using PCBs in other technology-associated devices.
  • HDI stands for High-Density Interconnect Boards, is the main technology in use for efficient electrical component placement on insulated board material. It allows the placement of more components while requiring less space. Hence, it offers greater reliability and performance with reduced weight and space.


In the end, there’s a lot more to the PCB technology than just the recent developments and new fabrication techniques. Find out more through the latest research and studies to learn how PCB technology enabled a new era in modern technology.